
Lubov Suka (Chapter 12)

Author: Dvizheniya
Genre: Romantic, Comedy, Drama


Chapter 12

After a long shower the singer undressed in a purple colored polyester jogging suit. It was her favorite suit for cozy evenings at home. She went into the kitchen and cooked some creamy cappuccino. With her MacBook under the arm and a cup of the sweet Italian drink she lay down on her sofa. As she wanted to put her feet on the sofa she noticed that Viva had already claimed a large part of the sofa. The Jack Russel lady looked at her owner with a very grumby and almost reproachfully facial expression. But Julia's feet still hurt from the long zoo walk and she hit with her flat hand on the pillow next to her.

"Come here Viva ..."

The Jack Russel moved slowly from her favorite place and stamped clumsy over the legs up to the chest of her owner. Viva staring at Julia with tired eyes and yawned. Julia smiled.

"Lie down ..." Julia giggled and hit once again on the pillow.
But the stubborn terrier wasn't about to follow the command and lay down with the full weight on Julia's chest. Julia sighed and was wondering whether she will work with the MacBook and drink a cappuccino, while a fourteen pounds heavy dog resting peaceful on her chest. She stretched out her arm to the table and used her fingertips to reach the macbook. She was moving it till the pc was in a very dangerous angle of the table. She reached the MacBook almost sweaty and put it finally gently on her thigh. She started the MacBook Pro and opened iTunes to play her favourite music playlist. As the first sounds of the song 'Do not you worry child' from the Swedish House Mafia* sounded out of the small loudspeakers she opened the e-mail program in which she found a message of Dima: 

From: Dima Bilan
Subject: Tickets
Date: 15 February 2012, 09:47 

"Hey Julitschka,
Yana was able to book the hotel room and tickets for you. In the appendix of the mail you will find the ticket for Barnaul. You will get all the remaining tickets when I see you there) I am very pleased that you accompany me on my tour. By the way, I received an invitation for this year's MUZ TV Awards. The chosen singers of the year will perform russian cover songs. For the promotion of 'Suka Lubov' I thought about to record another song with you and perform together at MUZ. It's a good marketing strategy for our duet, uh? )) If you like the idea, then tell me...)
In Kurabiy restaurant you asked me if I can some to you birthday party. Unfortunately I can't come( On this day I won't be in Moscow. I'm really really sorry! ((( But...except of Mitya Fomin ... you will have great colleagues and mates in there and I think you'll have a lot of fun)
See you soon, your Dimka)

Julia frowned slightly because of the last sentence. She briefly looked down at her sleeping dog and tried to get her cappuccino from the table with some daring stretchings of her arm. The singer sipped and enjoyed the warm drink. Then she put the cup back on the edge of the table and licked the white foam from her upper lip.

From: Volkova.Ju
Re: Subject Tickets
Date: 15 February 2012, 22:14 

"Hey Dimka))
thanks for the tickets!! I'm also happy to accompany you on your tour in Russia)
I understand that you're busy so you can't come to my birthday party. But why did you write:
But...except of Mitya Fomin ... you will have great colleagues and mates in there and I think you'll have a lot of fun)' ??
Moreover I would like to know what kind of nonsense you are teaching my son when I'm not around? He wanted to style his hair today ... and guess by whom he has this crazy idea?)) I wouldn't mind if Samir hadn't devastated the half bathroom)))
So when you're about to teach him this nonsense then I need to force you to visit me very soon for creating some stylish hairs of my son))  
Regarding the MUZ TV Awards...I'm in!!! Do you already know which song you want to sing?
I also would like to thank you for this great surprise yesterday. That was the craziest Valentine's Day I've ever experienced. Even though I was skeptical at first because of the mysterious balloons. But I really love the idea and I was very happy about it. Three of the balloons adorn my living room room)
I think now I have to reciprocate me ... :))

Have a good night, Julia

After she had sent the email Julia printed out the plane tickets via the wireless printer in her bedroom. Then she started to write invitations for her upcoming birthday party. She sent this to her family, friends and business colleagues.
Just as she was about to open her internet browser, the signal of a new email sounded. Before Julia opened the new mail she leaned over with her upper body to the table to grab the cup with her low warm cappuccino once again. Viva was rudely awakened by it and slide slowly down from her chest. The Jack Russel jumped down and contributed a bit disillusioned on her gray dog ​​blanket to finally sleep there in peace.

"Sorry ... Viva", the owner murmured sympathetically and sipped at her sweet cappuccino. Afterwards she opened the eMail programm.

From: Dima Bilan
Subject: Good night
Date: 15 February 2012, 23:04

Samir))))))))))))) Well, I'll give your little one a super Dimka hairstyle. Promise!)))
Will you come in the studio on 28th February to record the song for the MUZ TV Awards? This time a little later, around 19pm?
We can also delay this date. I will be in the studio at this day and I would be glad if we could start with the recordings of the new songs.
Fomin ... well .. he is just a special case ...
You dont have to reciprocate for Valentine's Day) ...your surprised face expression was sweet enough ;)
Good night

With the last sentence Julia biten on her lower lip and she felt as the blush crept into her face. Within seconds the young woman was back in her world of daydreams. During the last dinner in Kurabiy Restaurant she was able to stay neutral towards Dima. But this was only possible because the young man was more busy with her son. How could she find out Dima's true feelings when he rob her any sense and minds with such simple words?

From: Volkova.Ju
Subject Re: Tickets
Date: 15 February 2012, 23:17

Ok, I'll be in the studio on 28th February)

The young woman was wondering what he means by the word 'sweet'. She was about to ask but then she decided for a brief eMail now. She wants to find out the answer to the question by herself.
She sent the message and closed the email program.
For a while she was starring at her internet browser and felt the feeling of loneliness. She would love to write with Dima the whole night because her longing to Dima was so big that she visited his official website. She clicked through the entire gallery and watched each single picture.
As her eyes wandered over his his muscular arms she could feel his touches on her skin. She wandered with her hand unconscious down over to her neck. She remembered the first kiss with Dima. She slowly licked with her lips with the tongue. By the imagination how he bent with prop up arms above her she let her teeth slowly glide down over the wet lower lip. Julia genty touched her breasts with one hand and gave them a short massage. She moved further to her belly and her hand slid slowly under the top of her trainer. She stroked her belly softly and wandered closer to the waistband. Julia imagined that he's kissing her belly gently and a cold shiver spread through her whole body and a tingling feeling intensified in her abdomen.
Every muscle tensed of the abdomen and her breathing was getting faster as her hand slipped further into the trouser. An almost facilitative sigh slipped out of her mouth as she was rubing with two fingers over her clit. When she moved her fingers a little faster she moved her hips automatically slightly upwards. For one moment she was wondering what would have happened if her phone call hadn't disturb them as they had kissed once in her bed. If they had been free. Simply free. No worries. No remorse. The kiss was so passionate. At this moment everything was almost clear between them. There were no doubts of emotions. He wanted her. And she wanted him.
Julia imagined a passionate sex with Dima. As passionate as the kiss. Julia moved her fingers faster and faster over the sensitive spot of her trembling body. Her breathing was getting shorter. One last time she lift her hips up till she felt back on her sofa with a deep and loud sighs. For the last time Julia took a deep breath and she fell asleep with her exhaust but satisfied body.

*Song available in the playlist

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